Leadership Minute: What Motivates You?


I’ve never believed that titles motivate. Seeing possibilities motivates. Results motivate. Making a difference motivates. – Howard Behar

It is important to know and understand what motivates you as a leader. Forget about titles for a moment and try to identify what is it that keeps you up at night and gets you up early in the morning? When you know what that is you have found the source of your motivation. When you can see past the insufficiency of a title and see the possibilities before you then you will be motivated. When you see positive results that are the by-product of your hard work then you are motivated. When you see the lives you impact and the difference you make then your motivation has a purpose. What should motivate you as a leader is not another title or position, but a life that is lived for something that will outlast it. What is the source of your motivation?

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