Leadership Minute: Are You Building Trust?


To be successful as a leader your employees must know that they can trust you. Without trust, you do not have the ability to influence others. –Elizabeth Stincelli

The issue is old as time but has never been more relevant. Your success as a leader is grounded and rooted in trust. Let’s be clear; leadership is not a popularity contest. Leaders have to make hard, and often time, unpopular decisions. But as unpopular as some decisions may be for the leader the decision by employees to stick with his or her leader should not be. While any given decision may not have gone as they had hoped, they will stick with a leader they can trust. At the end of the day that is the most important thing. Building trust speaks of your integrity but it also speaks of your longevity. If you can’t be trusted you won’t be around for long. Build your leadership on trust and everything else will fall into place.

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