Leadership Minute: Positive Habits


Without question, positive thinking will do more for you, will make you feel better, do better, let you have more fun, and be liked by more people that negative thinking ever will. – John Patrick Hickey

Positive thinking is the result of positive habits. It’s about programming your mind in such a way as to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. The habits you form are the result of choices you make. Why is it important? As a leader you have influence that shapes opinions, beliefs, and outcomes. How you use your influence is important. Your dominant thoughts tend to be your most vocal ones. What is the message you are communicating with your words? What outcomes can you expect as a result? Not every situation will be desirable but the leader with the right reaction, words, and influence can turn it around. If the direction of your organization was determined by your ability to think and articulate positive words and actions would it be acceptable to you? If you want a positive life develop positive habits.

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