Leadership Minute: Self-Revelation


The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am. – Sam Peeples, Jr.

It’s been said that we will be known by the company we keep. As leaders we come across all types of people all the time. On any given day you can be thrown into events, circumstances, and situations that require your attention. But those events and circumstances don’t define you- they reveal you.  How you deal with these things reveals the depth of your maturity and validates your leadership. Self-awareness as a leader occurs when you understand that your preparation as a leader is an inside job.  Commit yourself to personal growth by the books you read, the mentors you have, and your unyielding dedication to excellence. As you apply what you learn then it won’t matter the circumstances you face because you will be ready.

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