I’ve learned if you want success you can’t chase it. Instead you must decide to make a difference where you are…and success will find you. – Jon Gordon
It’s not uncommon to look around and see people chasing –chasing their fortune, fame, success, recognition, etc. Perhaps it’s out of restlessness or some other motivating factor. The chase can often be driven by a sense that the grass is greener on the other side. And often the chase ends with disappointment when they learn that it’s not. So before you go chasing after greener grass elsewhere why not fully devote yourself and make a difference where you are today. The greener grass you are looking for is right under your feet. Today the grass may be dried out, brown, or non-existent, but it’s why you are there. Commit to making a difference where you are. Be the change you want to see and you will make it. Be the hope that others are looking for. You can make a difference right where you are.