Leadership Minute: The Power of 10


What are the implications of this decision 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years from now? – Suzy Welch

Every day you make important decisions; it’s part of what you do as a leader. But have you ever stopped to consider the future implications of those decisions? Welch’s question is an interesting one and I wonder if our approach to decision making would be much different if we embraced her approach. We tend to make decisions based upon real-time factors based on the need of the moment. What would be different about your decision making if you took a more long term approach instead? Would you be as quick to make your decisions if you were more concerned about the implications 10 months or even 10 years out? Decision making skills are an important leadership trait. Before making another important decision perhaps you should take 10 and think it over. It could change your perspective.

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