Will You Be 1 of the 50?


Through the Leadership in Education Initiative (read more in the tab at the top of the blog) in our local community we have gone into many schools with copies of my book, Leaders Without Borders: 9 Essentials for Everyday Leaders, placing them into the hands of our community heroes: our teachers! The response has been fantastic and the schools are so appreciative!

I am writing today asking for 50 readers and followers to join with me to place more copies of the book into the hands of our teachers to better equip them with their leadership skills. As the teachers enhance their leadership skills they are better equipped to touch the lives of their students.

With your help we can replenish our on-hand supply of the book and be ready for delivery on the first day of school. At just $10 per copy this is a small investment that can make a big difference!

To say thank you for your gift and participation I will email you the PDF version of the book for you to download to your computer or tablet at no charge!

Place your order today by visiting: www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com and scroll down to where you see the book and the “Buy Now” button. You can safely and securely order the book via PayPal with your credit card. You don’t have to have a PayPal account to place the order.



duanogdmorris Presenting a copy of my book, Leaders Without Borders, to a local elementary school principal. His teachers each received a copy of the book thanks to generous supporters like you!

Thank you for your partnership as we support and encourage our teachers!




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