Leadership Minute: Smoke Screens

Wright Brother's First Flight

The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility. – Charles Kettering

Many of the smoke screens that you will face in life are diversions that would attempt to throw you off course. Before every great breakthrough is a great struggle. Hanging in the balance between these great struggles is your breakout moment- the realization of your dream. It could a new career path, an invention, a promotion, a new relationship, the writing of a book, etc. But first you must clear the air of the smoke screen. For the Wright brothers it was an unrelenting persistence to take flight. And if they had listened to their critics they would have been grounded. You must fly through the smoke screens of doubters and the prophesiers of the impossible. You’ve worked too hard, sacrificed too much, and dreamed too long to be denied now. This is your time and this is your moment. Don’t give up! Are you ready to fly?

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