Leadership Minute: Are You Having Fun?


People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. – Dale Carnegie

How important is it to you to have fun at what you do? As leaders we tend to be task oriented and focused on getting the job done. We tend to be restless at times and are ready to tackle new projects once one is completed. Clearly we understand the importance of our work and take pride in it. But can you attach the label of ‘fun’ to what you do? While you may not be able to label your work as ‘fun’ you should have a sense of enjoyment and fun executing it. Life is hard, work is hard, and leadership is hard. But your level of success will only increase if you can find and take pleasure in what you do. A personal leadership inventory would look like this: is my work rewarding and fulfilling, and do I enjoy it? Fun is not your primary concern but it sure helps. Are you having fun?

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