Leadership Minute: Turn The Other Cheek


Hurting people hurt other people. Once you learn this, it’s easier to “turn the other cheek”. – John Maxwell

As a leader you will encounter all types of people. Most encounters will be pleasant, some will be great, but a few will be uncomfortable. Of the various types of people that you will deal with there will be the hurtful type. It’s not your job to figure out why hurting people hurt others but your reaction to them is important. Over the years I’ve come to understand that while hurting people hurt people I don’t have to be their victim.  But how do you turn the other cheek when you work alongside a hurtful person? Stand your ground; you are not a doormat. Take the high road and as best you can counter with kindness. Protect your boundaries and don’t allow their hurtful ways to escalate into something more severe such as bullying. If it does, then it becomes another issue altogether. But know this: your personal leadership skills in this area will be tested so your strength and resolve is vital.

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