Leadership Minute: Happy Trails to You


Some of the best views are found at the end of the most challenging trails. – Mark Sanborn

The trails for leaders are seldom easy. They can be hard and treacherous. Sometimes you will walk alone when others take the path of least resistance. After all, if being a leader was so easy everyone would be one. But if you will stay focused, committed, and disciplined you will reap the rewards others only dream about. Don’t worry when the trail seems too hard or too long. You are not where you are by accident. Have faith that you are the right person, in the right place, doing exactly what you were destined to do. At the end of the trail your view will be uniquely yours and all of the sacrifices made along the way will be worth it. Happy trails!

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Reader Comments

  1. Greg Kaiser

    Thanks for the reminder that leaders do feel a sense of destiny in what we do. It’s so easy to forget that and find yourself asking, “Why am I going through all this junk, again?” I’ve laid in bed twice this week wanting to either quit or smack somebody around, but neither of those are options, are they?

    Doug- What do you think are the best ways to remind the team of where the trail is headed and how we’re getting there when the team are all volunteers?

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