Leadership Minute: Step of Faith


Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the most exhilarating and yet one of the most fearful steps for many leaders is those blind steps of faith. We tend to be careful, calculated, and want to know the whole game plan. But there are those unique and special times when you just have to go with your gut instincts and take a step of faith even if you don’t see the entire picture. Sometimes your goals and dreams await you on the other side of your faith. Dare to dream, set your sights high, and when the time comes, dare to step out and go for it. The big picture will become clearer with each step you take.

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Reader Comments

  1. kenneth w higby sr.

    People Story is about disabled people trying to make a business for themselves and help the community they live in by creating jobs for all the people impaired and other wise. Wee all must take the first step of faith in anything Wee do. The journey of life is not who gets to the end first with as much things as possible, but to travel the path of life stopping and helping those along the way to finish with us together. We can not take the things with us but we cab take the good works we have done!

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