Leadership Minute: Bridge the Gap


Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach – Earl Nightingale

Bridging gaps is essential for successful leaders. The process begins with identifying where you want to go and devising a plan to get there. Where you start is not as important as knowing where you want to go and why. What are you goals and where do you want to go? Once you answer those questions you can go to work to achieve it. Bridge the gaps between where you want to go and the right attitudes that will get you there. Set goals. Work hard. Stay positive!



If you enjoy reading the Leadership Minute you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Doug is available to speak for your business, civic, or church group. Email Doug at [email protected] for more information.


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