A Postcard from the Beach

Sunrise along Folly Beach, SC

John Wooden once said, “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” In life and leadership that is so true.

My family and I are currently in the middle of a vacation at the beach. Over the years I have enjoyed beaches in the Caribbean, Central America, and the Mediterranean to name a few. But when you live along the coast as I do, a long fancy trip to some distant isle is not necessary.

Leadership is about the big picture (vision), details (execution),and most importantly; people (relationships). And when it all comes together it is a beautiful thing.

As I have observed the ebb and flow of the tides, sunrise and sunset walks, I have come to once again appreciate the beauty of the journey. Remember, it’s the little things that make a big difference.

What little moments are you thankful for?

© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug on Twitter @managemntmoment

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted, is now available. Visit www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com to order your copy today.

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