Bringing Solutions

In Reader’s Digest a few years back a story is told of some truck drivers in training school. “Here’s the scenario,” the instructor announced to his class of novice truck drivers. “You’re in an 18-wheeler with a heavy load, barreling down a mountainous two-lane highway. Ed, your co-driver, is asleep. There are six trucks behind you, and as you come over the top of a hill, they pull out beside you to pass. Suddenly, you see several trucks coming in the opposite direction, pulling into your lane to pass. What did you do?” “That’s simple,” a student called out. “I’d wake up Ed.” “Why would you do that?” asked the instructor. “Because,” replied the student, “Ed ain’t ever seen a truck wreck like this before!”

Dealing with everything from the complex to the mundane, leadership can have its challenges. One key thing that will help you in your organization is to insist that for each problem someone brings to you, they also come with a couple of solutions. This is not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the one bringing it. In due time and with the right coaching, they will begin to see that the solutions they think they need from you they already have and they begin to build up their confidence.

Are you bringing solutions?

© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!

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